Google only loves you when everybody else loves you first. This is where word-of-mouth meets online lead gen. And that’s what we’re gonna be talking about in this week’s video. Let’s dive right in.

What is up, beautiful people? My name is Mats Moy and for the best advice on generating roofing leads online, be sure to subscribe to the channel because we put out videos just like this one each and every single Wednesday.

And over the last seven years, I’ve been helping numerous roofing companies all across North America get online and start producing leads. And so by the end of this video, I’m gonna make sure you understand how to properly balance your word-of-mouth and your online lead gen so that you’re not just getting from either/or.

Word-of-mouth is not a marketing strategy

Let me be the first to tell you because I’ve said it many times in the past, and I wanna say it again just so it sticks. Word-of-mouth is not, I repeat, it is not a form of marketing. You’re literally relying on other people to spread the good word about your company.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that it’s not good ’cause word-of-mouth, it’s probably the easiest sale you will get. However, it is not a strategy to be relied upon because you have no control over it. Now, what you can do is leverage that word-of-mouth so that it can turn into something that you can control.

Well, the online platform for service-based businesses is based on how much everybody else likes you. When everybody else likes you, Google can then like you as well because they would recommend only companies that other people seem to like. And so the more someone or other people like your company, the more likely it is that Google will push your company out there in front of the right people at the right time that are looking for the services that your company offers.

Establish your proof of concept

So prior to getting online and generating leads, you need to establish your proof of concept. This is where you going out into neighborhoods, knocking on doors, that’s probably the best place for you to start.

Now, the big mistake that I see a lot of companies making, especially new companies is wanting to get online and start generating leads right away without that proof of concept, meaning you’ve been able to make a sale, do the work with someone without paying to get that lead. So you going out, knocking on doors, convincing someone that they need an estimate for their roof, then you going out, signing the contract and then doing the work, and seeing that you’ve actually done good work and that the client to the customer liked you, so you start doing more of that. You do that maybe one, two, three, four, five, six times before you say okay, I have a proof of concept.

When you see that this many people, five out of five, six out of six people liked the work that you did, they liked your process, they liked working with you, that’s when you can start investing in the online lead gen. Going right out the gates and trying to generate leads without that proof of concept is a recipe for disaster because you don’t know if you have the processes figured out, and you don’t know if those processes are scalable for your company.

Ask for reviews

So assuming people like your company, what do you want them to do next? You want to get them to leave you a review online, whether it be in the form of written text to your Google My Business listing.

Speaking of Google My Business listing, if you haven’t already, be sure to download my free guide. The link for that is down below in the description. It will help you get started with your Google My Business listing, and generating leads.

Funnel your word-of-mouth to your online platforms

So once people seem to like your company, what you need to do is funnel all of that word-of-mouth traffic, all of those referrals to your online platforms and have people say really good things about your company. That stuff will resonate in the online space. It’ll go so much further because now you’re setting up something that you will have control over so that you can generate more consistent leads for your company.

Guys, it’s no longer enough to just do the work. You need to set this standard in your company to get the people that are saying good things about your company online. That’s part of the job. Just like you generating leads, just like you selling the job, just like you doing the work.

Get happy customers online

Now add one more step to it. Get happy customers online. That’s gonna set you up for the future. Technology is only becoming greater and greater as we go. You can no longer just rely on word-of-mouth to grow your company.

And don’t get me wrong, everyone’s situation is different. So if you’re content, if you’re happy with the amount of work that you’re getting, then you probably wouldn’t be watching this video. Right? If you were happy, you wouldn’t be watching this video. So chances are if you are here watching this video, listening to what I’m saying, you need to set up systems that are going to work for your company so that you’re able to grow it over time.

So if you haven’t already, be sure to start asking for reviews. Make that mandatory for everyone in your company whenever they complete a job. So as far as balance, guys, what you want to do again is get word-of-mouth to say good things about your company online. That is how you start managing the two. Because if you want the online lead gen, you need Google to like you. And before Google likes you, everybody else has to like you.

Book a call with me

And if you liked this video, be sure to hit the thumbs up button and subscribe to the channel because it will help me put out more content like this to you to help your roofing company grow and generate more leads online. So we’re gonna keep this one short and sweet.

For those of you guys who are looking to do a little bit more online, I will encourage you to schedule a call with me or one of my staff members so that we can talk about how we would potentially help your roofing company get online and start producing leads. There’s a calendar link in the description down below.

Also, for those of you guys who wanna join a community of roofers that are learning about this forever-changing space called the internet, be sure to join my free Facebook mastermind group. Here’s a link down below also in the description of this video.

So there you have it, guys. That’s my time. Again, my name is Mats Moy, and I’ll see you next week. Peace.


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