Failure to plan is planning to fail. I don’t know who said that, but it is a really good quote and that’s exactly what we’re going to be talking about when it comes to creating a marketing strategy for your roofing company. So let’s dive right in.

What is up, beautiful people? My name is Mats Moy, I am the owner and founder of Moy Consulting, a company I created simply to help roofing companies get online and start producing leads.

Plan for success

So in this week’s video, I’m going to share with you six steps to planning a successful online roof marketing campaign.

Now, before we get started with this week’s video, I would like for you to hit the notification bell and subscribe to this channel because we put out content like this every single Wednesday, to help those of you who are in the roofing industry, own your own roofing companies, shoot, if you’re a manager or a sales rep in a roofing company.

These videos will also help you get a better understanding as to how to make the transition from your traditional means of generating leads to more modern means of producing leads. So again, subscribe to the channel for that very reason.

So failure to plan is planning to fail. That is a quote by Benjamin Franklin. I should have known that, but I didn’t. I completely forgot, I had to Google it just to figure out who it was by, but it is such a good quote because getting started online needs some form of direction.

You can’t just get on there and start doing whatever. You need some framework, you need a blueprint, you need an idea as to how to tackle this online platform, right? We need to understand what works versus what doesn’t work, right? For which area does it work? Where’s your target audience, right? These are all things that you need to consider prior to you just hopping online and saying, “Hey, I’m going to try this, I’m going to try that, I’m going to try this” with no planning or no direction whatsoever.

So that’s the point of this video, so let’s jump right in.

1. Define your goal

So step number one, define your goal. What are you looking to do? What are you looking to get from online?

Now, it’s going to be a little bit different for everyone, but if you are a beginner, if you are just getting online, then I assume your main goal will be to get the phone to ring, right?

A lot of people get confused because what they say versus what they really mean is a little different and I’ll give you an example of what I mean by that. When I speak to roofing contractors online, they tell me, oh, you know, I spoke to said marketing company and the idea was to get me on the first page of Google.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I hate this sentence, “getting you on the first page of Google,” because it does not mean that I’m going to make your phone ring. All that it means is I’m going to make your phone ring. Right?

And so defining a goal — if your idea is to increase revenue from your online — then the first step would be for you to get leads, get phone calls, get form submissions, right? Is that your goal? Is that what you’re ultimately looking to do?

Or are you simply looking to get your name out there? Brand awareness? Are you at a stage where your name could be bigger, right? Like, are you past getting the leads? You just want to make more brand recognition. That could be another goal for you, right?

So figure out what you’re looking to do online prior to you just getting online and doing a bunch of things. What is the goal that you’ve identified prior to getting online and starting to tinker and mess around with stuff?

2. Understand your audience

Step number two, understand your audience. Where are they, right? What are they doing, right? It’s more than just, oh, you know, “I sell roofs and we can repair and replace.” But why should we pick you over the competition? What is your unique selling proposition, right? And this is just like business 101.

These are things that you need to think about, right? You get, and again, this is just me speaking to other company owners and them saying that, “Hey, we do a lot of subcontracting and when we try to sell our own jobs, we can’t because there are too many people lowballing us.”

Well, if you’re solely going based off of price, then you have a sales problem, right? You have a positioning problem. Being able to position your company to a point where the customer can look past price. Don’t get me wrong, those customers are out there. People who are just looking for price, right?

I was speaking to an individual the other day asking them what their budget was. “What’s your budget for a new roof?” “Oh, as cheap as possible, as cheap as possible.” And that’s the truth of it, right?

Some homeowners out there are just wanting to get as cheap as possible. And if that’s not your target audience, that’s not who you’re looking to get in front of, then you need to position yourself in a different light. Why should I pay extra with your company rather than get the cheapest guy who says they’re going to do the same job as you?

Target a specific audience

So again, understand your audience. You need to figure out where they are. Where are they located? Now, if you are out in the middle of nowhere, understand that the volume and the amount of leads that you can potentially generate is probably not that high. So unfortunately for you, you may have to drive out further out.

When it comes to targeting your audience, understand that targeting a small radius will ultimately reduce the amount of potential leads, potential phone calls, form submissions, that you can get. If you are in a large metro city type area, then the volume is clearly going to be there. But you may want to define where you’re looking to get those leads from.

Maybe there are certain neighborhoods that you don’t want to target. Make sure that you put that in your messaging. Put that in your targeting with all of these online tools that you’re using. So figure that out.

3. Focus on one channel at a time

Step number three, focus on one channel at a time. Do not do too much, right?

I can put myself in your shoes to want to just do absolutely everything. Facebook, I want to do Twitter, I want to do LinkedIn, Google, Instagram, I want to do it all. I want to get my name everywhere and that is a huge mistake.

You are spreading yourself too thin to fully understand one channel at a time. Become an expert at one channel, set it up to run extremely well before you start jumping into the next channel. So don’t think to yourself that, “Hey, we need to get everywhere because we want to be everywhere.”

If the goal is to produce leads, then set yourself up on a platform that you know is going to produce those leads for you, start running it effectively, and then from there, find another channel, do the same thing and then another channel and so on and so forth. Do not do everything at the same time.

So we got content marketing, we got SEO, your website, Google Ads, Facebook. There are so many different things that you can do. Focus on one channel at a time, set yourself up, let it become like clockwork, and then move on to the next channel. That’s my recommendation for you.

Subscribe to my channel

Here’s a small bonus step for you. When you are online and you’re watching a video just like this, be sure to subscribe to the channel because we put out awesome content just like this each and every single week. Let’s move on to the next step.

4. Focus on what you know works

Step number four. Now, rather than jumping everywhere again, and this is just a touch on the last step here, is focus on what you know works.

Take a look at the competition. And when I say the competition, I mean people that are in your neighborhood.

Don’t look at somebody else in a different state that has something working for them, right? Because what works for you in a specific area may not work for somebody else in another area and vice versa.

So understand that areas that typically get hit by a lot of hail, a lot of storms, will be targeted a little bit differently. Some marketing strategies may work a little bit differently for them than they do for you. That’s why when you say, “Oh, I tried this and it didn’t work.” It’s probably why.

Don’t be too quick to compare

And to compound the fact that you probably didn’t know the platform at all, you kind of just went willy nilly and said, “Hey, I’m just going to try this and see what sticks.” That’s probably another reason, but understand that what works for somebody else in that’s, for someone in say, Florida, might not work for someone and say, I don’t know, New York, you know what I mean? It’s different, it’s just a little different.

So again, a good indication of what works is to, for you to figure out what your direct competitors are doing for their market. How are they producing leads? Get that set up correctly.

5. Figure out how to measure results

Step number five, figure out how to measure results. With this beautiful thing called the internet, we can see the journey from the very start all the way till the end, as to what our customer journey looks like.

From the moment they find you online, we can see how they found you, what webpage they went to, what phone number they called from, what they spoke about with you, with your rep or whoever on the phone, when you got their contact information, their address, to the estimate that you went out and gave, a quote, to them saying yes, to you carrying out the work, to you collecting the check.

You can see each and every single one of those steps. So, with you knowing this information, you need to measure those results just so you can get a better insight as to where your money is going.

Make sense of the process

So to give you an idea here, imagine you using, let’s say one of my preferred platforms of marketing the company, Google Ads, right? With Google Ads, somebody clicks on an ad. They spend, I don’t know, six dollars, right? You got maybe five of those clicks in a day and one of them turned out to be a lead.

So at five dollars, you got six clicks in a day, you spent 30 bucks, you got a lead for 30 dollars. That lead turned out to be a 10 thousand dollar roof replacement project. You went out there, sold the job, you got it, boom, done. You’ve spent 30 dollars to acquire a nine thousand dollar project and made, I don’t know, 30% of that. You made three thousand dollars on that project, right? Let’s say 3,300, right? You made 3,300 dollars on that project.

Now at the end of the week, maybe that’s the only project you got and you might’ve spent four hundred dollars for the entire week with your Google Ads. Now you might be looking at just the first day and you may have forgotten that you got that one lead, or you forgot that, you know, other jobs might’ve come through. You need to just track it, right?

Track your progress

Every single week, put a column for how much I spent versus how many jobs I got from those people who called me. How many of them turned out to be actual leads and what was the value of those roofs so that you can kind of reverse engineer and say, “Okay, I can justify spending 400, 500, a thousand dollars a week, if I’m going to keep getting three thousand dollars per project that I do.”

By having that information available to you, you can justify, and you can kind of make sense of how this whole process works.

Because if you are not measuring this and you’re just throwing money at Google, you do not know what your return on investment is. You do not know what your return on ad spend is. And you’re going to look at this and holy crap, I’m spending, you know, four or five thousand dollars a month and I’m not seeing anything from it. Or holy crap, I’m spending four or five thousand dollars and I have no idea what I’m getting from it. That’s a big problem.

So figuring out from start to finish what it is that you’re spending versus how much you’re getting back from it, and you can do this. So measure the results, figure out a way to do that.

6. Rinse and repeat

Our sixth and final step is just to rinse and repeat. Figure out what is working from the marketing channels that you’re using, the daily actions that you’re taking, and whatever is working, repeat it over and over and over like clockwork.

If you’re putting in one dollar in the machine and you’re getting at least two dollars back, keep feeding that machine and optimize, tweak it so that you can get three dollars, four dollars out of that one dollar that you’re putting in. This is what you start to do over time.

So there you have it, those are your steps on planning for a successful roof marketing campaign online.

Book a call with me

If you liked this video, be sure to hit the like button and subscribe to the channel. This is so you’ll get notified every single time I release a new video just like this one each and every single Wednesday.

Also, if you are interested in working with myself and my team, I have step-by-step instructions on how we go about producing leads for the companies that we work with. There’s a link for a free webinar down below in the description. So go ahead and check that out. You will get tons of value out of it and you’ll also understand how we get from zero leads to three leads coming in each and every single day.

Lastly, if you want to join a community of roofers, just like yourself, who are learning about this forever changing space called the internet, be sure to join my free Facebook Mastermind. The link for it is down in the description. We do live, you know, sessions every now and then in there, completely separate content from what you see here on my Instagram.

So be sure to join in in that, if you want to learn more about this online space and what to do to produce more roofing leads for your company.

So that’s it for this week’s video. Hopefully you enjoyed it. Again, hit the light button and subscribe, and I will see you next week. Peace.


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