So you’ve started a roofing business or have been in the industry for quite a while now.

Either way, you have a problem: You’re looking for more leads!

It’s possible that you’ve tried different marketing strategies, including billboard ads.

But you’re wondering if there is a more effective, faster way to get people to your business.

Has the thought of running roofing ads crossed your mind?

Do you have a gut feeling that advertising your roofing company can help you get ahead? 🤔

Because here’s the truth:

Ignoring online advertising means you miss out on opportunities to grow your roofing business!

If this doesn’t make sense to you now, make sure you read this article.

9 Reasons You Need Roofing Ads Online

Without further ado, here are the nine best reasons why roofing ads should be part of your online marketing strategy.

1. Compete with bigger roofing companies

As a new roofing company, you could worry about the size of your competition.

Maybe you’re thinking, “Most people in my area already know this popular roofing company. Do I stand a chance?”

My honest answer is yes, you can compete with the big guys. And you’ll be able to do that by running an online advertising campaign.

Imagine this:

If people search for a roofing company on Google and see your ad at the top results, they notice you and get curious about you. In a few seconds, you could get a call from a property owner who needs a roofing service!

When it comes to beating your competition using Google Ads, it can be tempting to go after a major city right away. This is a mistake.

What you need to do is target smaller areas around the major city first. I talk more about this and 2 more advertising mistakes in this 6-minute video! 📹

2. Reach your target audience

Whether you like it or not, the internet is here to stay. And it’s no secret that people spend their waking hours staring at their screens to consume information.

Anyone of them could be your perfect customer. A homeowner who’s looking for an emergency roof repair or a property owner who needs a flat roof installation.

Like any advertising campaign, running roofing ads allows you to narrow down your target market. You’ll be able to target roofing clients based on their location, devices they use, and topics they’re interested in.

3. Faster than search engine optimization (instant exposure)

Running roofing ads using Google Ads produces more immediate results than SEO. Your ads can appear at the top of search results and you can attract targeted traffic right away.

With SEO, it can take around 4 to 6 months before you start to see results. This is because there are a lot of factors that can affect your ranking. For example, the age of your website, its authority, your content, inbound links, and more.

But it doesn’t mean that SEO should be ignored. What I’m saying is that SEO is a continuous, long-term process that complements your online ads.

4. Resistant to SEO algorithm updates

Another reason for using PPC ads is their lack of dependence on your site’s rankings. A lot of business owners are asking if SEO affects online advertising, and the answer to that is NO.

So this means that while you’re trying to dominate search results through SEO (which you already know takes time), you can run ads to ensure that you stay visible to internet users.

If you’re wondering what algorithm updates are, these are changes that Google makes that impact your site rankings. As you could tell, SEO algorithm updates could affect how much traffic you’re getting.

5. Drive offline sales

Did you know that by running online ads, you have higher chances of driving more in-store traffic? Many customers nowadays start their interaction with brands online.

The benefit of online advertising is that you’re not bound by geographical restrictions. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to attract roofing customers from your area or nearby areas.

You can geo-target people with your ads and show a map of your office. That way, they can find you, contact you, pay you a visit, and avail your roofing service!

6. Complements other marketing strategies you have

PPC advertising boosts other forms of marketing you’re using in your roofing business.

While you’re working on getting better results with social media, blogging, or SEO, you can stay top of mind with your audience through your roofing ads.

7. Reconnect with people who’ve already been to your website

Remarketing is a strategy where you show ads to people who’ve visited your roofing website.

It works this way:

Imagine that someone visited your roofing repair service page. But because that person also checked out other roofing websites, he wasn’t able to request a free quote or contact you.

In that case, you’re going to create a remarketing list of those who visited your roof repair page. Then you show them roof repair ads to remind them of the service they were interested in on your website.

People, in general, are more likely to trust companies they’re familiar with. Remarketing increases your exposure to the same audience, leading to higher conversions and ROI.

8. Continuously drive new leads

For as long as you’re running roofing ads online, you’ll be able to attract new potential roofing customers.

The longer you run those roofing ads, the deeper your understanding of your audience. While your ad campaign is running, you’re going to make tweaks to see what resonates with potential roofing customers.

9. Your competitors are doing it

You don’t want to miss out on advertising your roofing business online. This is especially true if your opponents are already doing it.

Each moment you’re not running roofing ads, you lose prospects to other companies. Also, you shouldn’t be worried about competition in online advertising because there are plenty of tools and strategies to beat your competitors.

What Advertising Platform Should Your Roofing Business Use?

Roofing companies of all sizes will immensely benefit from Google Ads.

Do you know why Google Ads is the best platform? That’s because when people look for services online, they’re likely to search on Google first.

When you run roofing ads on Google, you can guarantee that your ad will be shown to prospects who are interested in your roofing services.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been around for a few months; you can compete on the same level as your competitors using Google Ads.

You’ll also be able to show your business location, contact information, reviews, and more. These pieces of information allow your prospects to connect with you right away!

Over to You

These are all the reasons to invest in online advertising as a roofing business owner. Roofing ads boost your web presence and help you reach your customers faster.

You also know it: Without the right knowledge and experience, it’s hard to succeed in Google Ads on the first try. If you’re interested in Google Ads and need expert help, contact Moy Consulting ([email protected]).

Learn more about my PPC Google Ads services and why you should hire me right here. 👈🏾